Thursday, July 21, 2011

Highlights from July trip to the Outer Banks!

What a GREAT trip this was! Henry was 7 weeks old, and he got his first breaths of ocean breezes! What a great time it was!

Our neighbors right next door, were so generous! They offered for Henry and I to join them for a few days. Unfortunately Jonathan and had to work and couldn't join us. We both missed him very much.

I think it was both the sound of the ocean and the warm breezes that put Henry out as soon as we hit the outside air from the comfort of indoor air conditioning...but it was amazing how much he seemed to enjoy his time at the beach!

What a cool dude! How cute is he?!! 

His trunks are a bit big for him now, but may fit him in November when we head out to the California beaches! :)

So, I carried him in this modified carrier scarf...lightweight and it kept him close to me as we walked from the house to the beach. Something about that closeness that babies (and certainly this mother!) seem to need at this tender age.

There was a pool in the backyard...also fun for him...warmer waters than when he dipped his little toes in the cold ocean!

Jess was such a little mother hen to Henry while we were cute!

Poor in a bucket! Can you tell we live in the heart of Virginia Tech and University of VA homes?! We had to celebrate, though...both Carolyn & Gordon were grads from VT!

Love this picture especially with Jess's hair flying!

Such a cutie!

So, another photo op of Henry out to eat dinner in a restaurant for the first time...notice he's checking out which beer they have on tap?!

We had so much fun together! What a wonderful break for me to have many hands all day long willing to take over feedings, etc.!

Beautiful big beach! There's nothing like NC beaches!

I'm reminiscing right now...and will remember this in the dead of winter!

Even the fish loved Henry! Kissy-kissy! 

Jess & Gordon out early catching and releasing!

Happy baby under the tent on the beach...We took walks every day. The last day, Henry had his bottle while on the sand with me!

Gordon's parents joined us. Such lovely southern people!

More of Gordon's family

What a great time we had! Thank you so much, Carolyn and Gordon, for your generosity! We LOVED every minute of it and have SUCH fond memories!!!

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